Maritime Security monitoring
MariWeb has an AIS centric Security Application and a comprehensive event manager allows a wide range of events and associated alerts to be configured. The MariWeb Security Application ensures that all AIS data is correct, conforms to the standards and tags messages that are suspect in terms of duplicate messages or messages that contain information that is not consistent with the ship on which the AIS is installed.
The MariWeb Security Application can be configured to accept a specific set of IEC61162-1 messages and can be configured to have a ‘black list’ and ‘wanted list’ of vessels to ensure that these are detected.
The event manager alerts allow the protection of undersea cables, pipelines and similar valuable assets that need to be protected. Once the protected areas are breached and the activity inside these areas is outside the bounds of what is allowed, the alerts are triggered allowing further action. The event manager can use the behaviour of the vessel within selected areas to trigger events such as a vessel travelling to slowly or stopping within sensitive areas. The resultant alerts can be shown to the operator as well as sent to emails accounts for mobile phone users.